


GO-AHEADの書籍(Introduction to scratch programming)


Introduction to scratch programming


Introduction to scratch programming Amazon Kindle版


 Scratch inserts a block that can be programmed as a script, so it can be programmed relatively easily as imagined. In the future, the ability of AI and data scientists will be a prerequisite for IT engineers. For this reason, it is necessary to learn programming classes from elementary school students.

 One of the most popular languages in recent years is Python. JavaScript is another popular language. I think VisualBasic and C# are also relatively easy to use languages.

 Scratch is well done, so I think it is the best introduction to programming. Let's use this scratch to get an introduction to programming. However, in the world, scratch programming is mainly game programming. There is no game programming in this book. In order to use scratch in class, C language examples will be presented and programming language education will be provided. In the future, we aim for education that leads to information processing engineers.

"Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at https://scratch.mit.edu"


1. How to use scratch.....5

2. Programming.....14
 2.1 Program that displays "Hello World"
2.2 Calculate and display twice the input
 2.3 Calculate the remainder
 2.4 Real number calculation
2.5 Exercises

3. Conditional branch and roop.....43
 3.1 Conditional branch
 3.2 Loop
 3.3 Exercises

4. List(array).....69
 4.1 Program using list (array)
 4.2 Program using list (array)-2
 4.3 Program using list (array)-3
 4.4 Program using list (array)-4
 4.5 Program using list (array)-5
 4.6 Program using list (array)-6
 4.7 Exercises

5. String.....105
 5.1 Programs that use character strings-1
 5.2 Programs that use character strings-2
 5.3 Programs that use character strings-3

 6.1 Subprogram -1
 6.2 Subprogram -2

7. References.....127