


GO-AHEADの書籍(Raspberry pi starting with the basics)


Raspberry pi starting with the basics


Raspberry pi starting with the basics Amazon Kindle版


I used to use H8 (Renesas Electronics) or PIC (Microchip Technology) microcontrollers a lot. For this reason, I had never used a raspberry pi. This was a high psychological hurdle for me, as Raspberry Pi uses Linux. I handled the raspberry pi, a little bit, and left it intact.
I had purchased an Omron HVC-P2 sensor camera, which can recognize facial expressions, age, and gender, and I was going to do my graduation research with it, but it remained completely untouched. As the Raspberry Pi that I had lent to my students came back, I decided to make an exhibition piece for the school tour using the HVC-P2 and Raspberry Pi.

Found out the specifications of the Raspberry Pi communication, how to check the communication, and the HVC-P2 communication data specifications, and managed to do the sudo commands, and was able to get it to a working state. It's nice when it operates, despite repeated failures. Finally, I made the mistake of gluing the display 180° upside down. I was puzzled by this, but I solved it with software. The Raspberry Pi is a great microcontroller.

1. Introduction -5

2. Raspberry Pi -7
 2.1 Raspberry Pi 3 model B
 2.2 Installing the Raspberry Pi OS
(1) Downloading the OS
(2)Connection to USB, HDMI, etc.
(3) Installing the OS
(4)USB memory
(5)Copying the screen
(6)When you want to connect to a wired LAN

3. Raspberry Pi -25
 3.1 The "Hello World" display program
 3.2 "Hello World" in GCC's C language
 3.3 Calculate and display twice the input
 3.4 Calculate and display the remainder
 3.5 Like the incremental operator
 3.6 bitwise operators
 3.7 binary number, octal number, hexadecimal number.
 3.8 Calculating real numbers
 3.9 Add a comment

4.Conditional branching and repetition -40
 4.1 Let's use an if statement (if statement-1)
 4.2 Let's use an if statement (if statement-2)
4.3 Let's use a while statement
 4.4 Let's use a "for" statement. (for-1)
 4.5 Let's use break statements. (for-2)
4.6 Let's use the for statement. -2 (for-3)

5. array -52
 5.1 One-dimensional array-1
 5.2 Declare the array! -2
( one-dimensional array-2)
 5.3 Declare the array! -3
( one-dimensional array-3)
 5.4 Declare a two-dimensional array! -1
( two-dimensional array-1)
 5.5 Declare a two-dimensional array! -2
( two-dimensional array-2)
 5.5' Declare a two-dimensional array!
Using numpy (two-dimensional array-2)
 5.6 Input and output to file-1
 5.7 Input and output numbers to the file
one line at a time.

6.character string -69
 6.1 String Programming
 6.2 String Programming - 2
 6.3 String Programming - 3
 6.4 String Programming - 4
 6.5 String Programming - 5

7. Function -79
 7.1 Functions
 7.2 Functions - 2
 7.3 Functions - 3

8 HVC-P2 -85
 8.1 What is HVC-P2?
 8.2 Sending the command

Appendix, Completed Software

References -117